This is a true and incredible story of a Japanese adolescent, Shinji Mikamo, who miraculously survived the first atomic bombing of human kinds. He was on top of his house roof with nothing to shield him at only ¾ of a mile (1,200m) from the epicenter in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 toward the end of World War II.
But what made Shinji stand out from most of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or even of many other man-made disasters in our history, he never hated Americans as aggressors. He somehow saw things from a much bigger perspective even in the very strict Japanese military government’s mind control of civilians during the war. As one of his three legacy-carrying daughters, Dr. Akiko Mikamo wrote his story to send out the messages of human love and power of forgiveness to remind the world our worst enemies of yesterday could become the best friends of tomorrow.
Article [English]
For Hiroshima Family, Memento’s Vanishing Is Loss to the World
Article [English]
TV Program [English]
Re-living memory of Atomic Bomb: Dr Akiko Mikamo
TV Interview [English]
Akiko Mikamo, EMCCC’11: Forgiveness Stronger than an Atomic Bomb
Article [English]
Rising From The Ashes: Miraculous Tale Of Man Who Survived Hiroshima’s Atomic Bomb
Article & Interview [English]
Article & Interview [English]
Radio Interview [English]
An interview with Dr Akiko Mikamo
Interview [English]
Book Review: Rising From The Ashes, by Dr. Akiko Mikamo
Review [English]
Radio Interview [English]
Arthur Smith, Dr Akiko Mikamo, Martin White, Tom Mitchell
Radio Interview [English]
When Time Stopped in Hiroshima–and When it Was Stolen
Article [English]
Local woman wins world peace award
Article [English]
Book Presentation & Discussion with Dr. Akiko Mikamo
Article [English]
Radio Interview [English]
San Diegans Reflect On 70th Anniversary Of Hiroshima Atomic Blast
Article [English]
The True Story of Atomic Bomb Victim Hiroshima Survivor Shinji Mikamo
Radio Interview [English]
Review: Rising from the Ashes by Dr Akiko Mikamo
Review [English]
Shinji Mikamo, 87, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima
Article [English]
Desire to convey spirit of forgiveness: “It is war that is wrong”
Article [English]
El cataclismo nuclear de Hiroshima narrado por un superviviente
Article [Spanish]
J’ai Su Vecu a La Bombe Atomique
Magazine Feature [French]
Article [Japanese]
Article [Japanese]
米国在住・臨床心理博士 美甘さん 父の被爆体験と信条を出版 広島 Article [Japanese]
Article [Japanese]
Sopravvissuto alla bomba atomica
Article [Italian]
美甘さん、英で表彰へ 両親の被爆体験 英文で出版 NPO団体が11月 「世界平和に貢献」
Article [Japanese]
広島出身・米の美甘さん、近く自費出版 両親のヒロシマ 伝える 「許す心」 父親と講演も
Article [Japanese]
両親被爆体験 日本語に 米在住・美甘さん出版へ 構成担当者ら広島訪問
Article [Japanese]
El cataclismo nuclear de Hiroshima narrado por un sobreviviente
Article [Spanish]
許す心 伝えたい 広島出身・在米 美甘さん 英文の本 自費出版
Article [Japanese]